Sunday, March 12, 2006

Out of Sick Mode, Back in Stuck Mode

After spending much of the weekend recovering from a bout with some sort of intestnal virus - yuk, I'm faced with what exists of my book - a rough sort-of first draft printed out in a binder. I do not feel like celebrating. There is a lot to fix here. The middle sags, the end is still a question mark. I am nowhere near the dotting the i's and crossing the t's stage.

Confidence lagging...
Self-doubt creeping in....
Must move forward...


Anonymous said...

have the lead change sex, or submit it as a memoire. better yet, pretend u have changed sex and submit it as a memoire.

Dodi said...

That's just the virus talking. You haven't really recovered yet. Go refresh you mind for an afternoon. Do something not at all novel-related. GO to a movie or get a pedicure.

The weather isn't helping either. You finished the first draft. Celebrate!

That's further than most people ever get. Then take a deep breath and get back to it. You have great characters and interesting plots. You'll get it.

Karen said...

I got some freelance work this morning which is nice, so I got to change gears for a couple of hours. Now I'm back to it.

Memoir isn't a bad idea. Apparently it means fill in any holes in your actual memory with exciting incidents that Oprah will enjoy.