Friday, May 19, 2006

Internet for Hire?

If I'm understanding the situation correctly, there's a possibility that corporations will be able to pay to have some sort of control over how we find sites on the Internet. I'm not sure I understand how it's possible, but it sounds bad. Go here to get the scoop and sign the petititon. is in line with my political views so I tend to trust them.


Karen said...

Sometimes I comment on my own blog. I want to keep the Internet for Hire thing at the top. In related news, when I went to the MoveOn site, I saw that Alyssa Milano had blogged about saving the Internet, so OF COURSE I went to her site. I didn't know this was the last season of Charmed!! I'm way behind on DVDs. I own season 1 and haven't even finished yet...
Is she a flake or is the person blogging for her a flake? Maybe she's asking the same about me : )

Trackrick said...

Another good site is That's pretty much one-stop shopping for info about the issue.

Anonymous said...

alyssa milano rocks!!!

Dorothy said...

Did you just hear about internet for hire? Don't you read Karenworld?

Karen said...

I'm sure I saw it, but at the time (and now) the term 'net neutrality' means nothing to me. The move on people sent me several e-mails that allowed me to cobble together some sense of what's going on (but still not much)

Apparently I'm too thick to grasp the significance

Anonymous said...

don't listen to the running dog capitalist pigs. power to the people.