Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wicked Witch of Starbucks

Linda and I had a writer's confence at Starbucks today to prevent a freak-out on Emma's 1st day of kindergarden. We ordered our drinks and sat down in the best seats - big, comfy chairs with a table between them. I started to read my latest scene out loud, but a Starbucks employee decided to grind a 50 lb sack of beans for the next 20 minutes, making it impossible to talk. We laughed and sipped our drinks. Then we both got soooo sleeepyyy. It was like the poppy fields scene from Wizard of Oz. I had a grande latte - there's no way I should have been sleepy. Do they pipe some sort of snooze dust into the air to make you think you need more coffee like the way bars serve salty snacks to make you more thirsty? It didn't work on us - we left and went to Dominicks where we were hit by a brainstorm while waiting in the checkout line. Our pen name: Chieti Nickerson. Genius. From now on all writer's conferences will be held while shopping at Dominicks.


Quietloft said...

What I would like to know is how quitting sugar and yet chugging away at a latté makes sense? :P

Karen said...

Latte is practically organic kale compared to the crap I was eating....

Quietloft said...

Kale... mmmmm!